Technical information


There is no doubt in my mind that the leading expert in all matters regarding the Mkviii KTT is Ivan Rhodes. He has been most forthcoming with help, advice and information. I can most earnestly recommend his book Velocette - Technical Excellence Exemplified  to all those who have not yet read it. A great deal of technical information is contained in this book.


October 2006    There were no manuals issued for the Mkviii KTT's, only a couple of information sheets with timing figures, tyre pressures, carburettor and general settings etc. They are reproduced on this website.

I have commenced the task of writing a series of articles which I hope will form the basis of a manual. I am well aware at the outset that there are others better qualified to do the job but someone has to start somewhere. Many of those who had expert knowledge are no longer with us and I feel that it is important to record information that will be useful to future owners. If anyone reading the articles believes them to be wrong and lets me know in what respect, I will be grateful.

I have resisted the temptation to use an edited version of the KSS manual issued by Veloce, choosing instead to use my own words. I have been mindful of the fact that these engines are all at least sixty years old and have tried to cater for where they might be showing their age.

The first  article is about the dismantling and rebuilding of the 'bottom end'. I will shortly add a piece on the flywheels and then the bottom bevels. I intend to cover all aspects of the engine in this manner.