About Rob Drury
My name is Rob
Drury and I have had a long association with Velocettes - my second bike at 17
years old was my first Velo, a MkII KSS and I have only once been without a Velo
since that time.
Since my youth, I have always regarded the MkVIII KTT as the most beautiful and desirable of machines but the likelihood of my ever owning one appeared to be becoming ever more remote. However, it is my extreme good fortune to be the owner and rider of a 1939 machine - KTT842 and a 1949 one - KTT966. To say that I am thrilled is an understatement. I have started to race it and can truly say that the reality is as good as the dream - it is a joy to ride, with excellent handling and brakes to give the rider confidence. Tractable power makes it easy to ride. When I got KTT842, it was not completely original, so I had to seek information to enable me to identify correct parts, where such parts can be found, who might be manufacturing new parts and the details for me to make parts myself. KTT966
The need to prepare the machine has made me aware that technical information is pretty thin on the ground and I have been gathering scraps where I may. I have received help from acknowledged experts but feel that a website could be the way for owners and enthusiasts all over the world to share and verify information. I am keenly aware of my own lack of knowledge even though so many parts are similar to what I am familiar with.
My own area of expertise is in sheetmetal and I have already started to make some parts for my own requirements. I will be able to offer these parts to other owners in due course.